Wild Flowers
Early Learning Center
"A fun place to grow!"
Parent Responsibilities
Parents of enrolled children agree to read and follow our policies.
A complete registration packet with emergency contact forms and immunization records must be submitted for each child before care can be provided.
Families agree to communicate through ProCare.
Please let us know if your child is going to be absent for any reason.
Please bring your child clean and dressed for the day and have at least two spare outfits for children under age two.
Parents agree to label and supply extra clothing, diapers, bottles, wipes, and any other personal needs items for each infant and toddler.
An adult must accompany your child to and from the facility unless otherwise written.
We require the person bringing the child to the center to remain with the child until the child is accepted by staff.
Children will only be released to persons listed on the enrollment form.
The person picking up the child may need to show a driver's license or other picture ID.
Any changes in address, phone number, employment, etc. should be given to the Director in writing.
Monthly Tuition
Tuition fees include all sick or absent days during the month.
* We will not give refunds or credits for any absent days. *
Families who get assistance through the Best Beginnings scholarship program are responsible for paying all charges that the program does not cover.
We reserve the right to terminate the care contract immediately if families do not submit payments.
* We will not give refunds of any kind. *
Personal Belongings
Each child has a cubby to store their clothing and personal belongings.
Please do not leave any medication or other potentially harmful substances in diaper bags or cubbies.
General Information
We are required to maintain a current, accurate record of daily attendance for all of the children. Please sign your children in and out of the facility at the reception desk.
We will provide care for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12 years.
Childcare services are available without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry.
If your child is sick or showing any signs of illness, please keep them home.
We have a daily health check for each child when they arrive, and parents will be notified of any changes in their child's health during the day.
Parents agree to pick their child up within 30 minutes when notified of their child's illness.
Days and hours of operation
We currently offer a flexible daily schedule that meets the needs of our staff and clients.
We may be closed in observance of federal holidays.
Please check with us if you are unsure about a holiday closure.
We may follow school closures for other closing days and emergency weather closures.
We reserve the right to close on any additional days as necessary including, but not limited to, staff illness and training days.
Payments or co-payments are due the first day of care of each month.
Tuition is billed monthly and is based on each child's written contract and schedule.
We will accept part time care contracts when spots are open.
We require complete enrollment, written schedule and contract for care to be considered.
Families with the Best Beginnings Scholarships are responsible for any copayments and any other charges for which that program will not pay.
If the payment from the program is not equivalent to the full monthly balance due, the family will pay the difference in cash.
Trial Period
There is a trial period of 2 weeks from the date childcare begins.
If the childcare arrangements is not mutually satisfactory, either party can terminate this agreement without notice and any fees already paid are non-refundable.
Withdrawal of children
We require 30 days notice when withdrawing a child after the initial trial period.
Families will be required to pay for the full 30 days once written notice of intent to withdraw is given.
Expulsion of children
It is our policy to work through any problems with parents and appropriate consultants rather than expel children. However, we will communicate to you immediately if your child is frequently and deliberately causing harm to others and/or is frequently and deliberately destructive. This behavior is unsafe and will not be allowed – immediate expulsion will ensue if the behavior persists.
Part Time Child Care
Full time enrollment is our main goal and we do not guarantee part time openings or continuation of part time care in either facility.
Part time care is attendance that is less than 4 full days per week.
We reserve the right to eliminate part time care at any time to best suit the needs of our full time program.
Educational Program
We use a curriculum that aligns with the Montana Early Learning Standards in all categories.
* We do not have televisions at our facilities. *
Meals and Snacks
We participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
We follow USDA guidelines when planning our menus.
Records of meals and snacks are available for your review upon request.
No child will go without food for longer than 3 hours.
We offer the following meals and snacks to all children in attendance:
Breakfast-9 am
Lunch-12 pm
P.M. snack-3 pm
If your child has special dietary needs (medical condition or personal choice) or has food allergies, parents must notify the center in writing and have a physician's statement on file.
Meals and Feeding Procedures
We will have a personalized Infant Feeding Schedule for children less than 18 months.
Bottles and accessories must be labeled with your child's name.
Children will eat only when seated to decrease the possibility of choking.
We will serve family style meals and eat in social groups with a caregiver to guide and encourage, but not force, appropriate conversation and eating behavior.
Food will not be offered as a reward or denied as punishment.
Toilet Training
We will assist in toilet training as part of our daily routine with a written agreement between parents and staff.
Please bring the necessary supplies and extra clothing.
We believe children who are toilet trained can:
1. Tell the adult they have to go before they have to go, or head on their own.
2. Pull down their own pants and underwear and pull them back up without help.
3. Clean up after themselves appropriately after using the toilet.
4. Get on and off the toilet by themselves, with or without using the step stool.
5. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
6. Wait their turn for the restroom without having an accident.
Newly potty-trained children may wear underwear once they are accident free for 2 weeks.
Children less than 5 years of age and older children who require assistance will be accompanied to the toilet by an adult.
Parent involvement/Access
Parents of registered children are welcome to visit with their children in the reception area at any time during the hours of operation unless parental access is prohibited or restricted by a court order. If so, we will need a copy of the order. Please understand that we cannot legally limit access to a parent if there is not a copy of a court order on file at the facility.
Parents and legal guardians will always be allowed into the daycare and may visit with their child in the reception area.
It is important that we communicate concerning the needs and interests of your child. If there are issues or concerns that need to be discussed, please work with us to arrange a convenient time to talk so we can give the issue the attention it deserves.
Medication policies
We will not administer prescription medications.
Discipline Policy
Caregivers will use discipline that is consistent, clear, and understandable to the child.
For acts of aggression and fighting (e.g., biting, hitting, etc.) staff will set age-appropriate expectations for children and guide them in solving problems.
Positive guidance will be the usual technique for managing children.
We will not punish children for having problems they have not yet learned to solve.
In addition, staff may:
1. Separate the children involved.
2. Comfort the individual who was injured.
3. Care for any injury suffered by the victim involved in the incident.
4. Notify parents or legal guardians of children involved in the incident.
5. Review the adequacy of caregiver supervision, appropriateness of facility activities, and administrative corrective action if there is a recurrence.
The goal of discipline is to create routines that help develop inner controls and appropriate social behavior.
Late Fees
We will charge a late fee of $5 per child for every 5 minutes of late care.
A staff person will attempt to call the child’s parents at their work and home numbers.
If they cannot be reached, the staff person will attempt to call the emergency and alternate people listed on the emergency cards.
The local police and the Department of Child and Family Services will be called after 30 minutes if parents or other adults cannot be reached.
We use security cameras inside our facilities at all times.
We schedule tours outside of normal working hours.
We are a private service and do not allow the general public into the facilities.
It is our goal to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases among children in our care.
We understand that occasionally we all have a stuffy nose or a slight cough.
However, due to the number of infants, toddlers, and young children in our care, we must strictly enforce our exclusion for illness policy.
If a child arrives with, or develops, any of the following symptoms, he or she will be excluded from care:
-Fever of 101 or higher
-Shortness of Breath
-Severe Cough
-Persistent undiagnosed cough
-Yellow or green snot or mucus
-Skin or eye lesions
-Weeping rashes
-Stiff neck and headache
-Difficult breathing
-Abnormal wheezing
-Complaints of severe pain
We will also exclude a child who is extremely irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention than we can provide without risking the health and safety of other children in our care.
A child who shows signs of illness shall be isolated from the group and made comfortable. The parents will be notified and asked to remove the child from the center as soon as possible but no later than 30 minutes from the time of notification.
A child may not be admitted back to daycare, even with a doctor's note, if the child is still showing symptoms of illness.
Children may only return to care after being symptom free WITHOUT medication for 24 hours.
For prolonged absences related to illness, we require documentation from your child's pediatrician that states the child's illness, dates of absence, and the date considered safe to return to care.
During any emergency situation caregivers will comfort the children, explain the situation, and model for them how to remain calm.
We strive to maintain a safe environment free of physical hazards. Staff will be alert to changes that might be made to improve the safety of the environment.
When a child is injured, staff should take appropriate first aid measures. This will include, but is not limited to:
-Applying an ice pack.
-Washing with soap and warm water.
-Applying a bandage.
Should the injury appear to be more serious or require further attention, the staff should take immediate action and follow the required emergency procedures to secure the health and safety of the child. Parents will be notified immediately and an injury report completed.
In case of a serious or life threatening medical emergency, a qualified staff member will attend to first aid as needed. Another staff member would notify the family of the child. Attempts will be made to consult with the child’s physician/dentist. If neither is available, the Deer Lodge Medical Center will be contacted. For extreme emergencies, 911 will be called.
In the event a child becomes ill while at the Center, parents will be notified and the child will be moved to front entrance area to wait for pick up.
Fire drills will be practiced at least 8 times a year.
In the event of a fire, evacuation from the building will be through the closest fire exit. Staff will be responsible for supervising the children under their care and leading them to the fire exit. The attendance and emergency information will be with staff. The group will walk to the yard area, safely away from the building, and line up for attendance. The staff will immediately take attendance. Should it not be possible to return to the building, staff will walk the children to the Central Park Center. Parents will be notified to pick up their children.
On snow days, or during other hazardous weather emergencies, the program will follow the Public School closing, delay or early dismissal schedule. Parents will be notified via direct message, television announcements, or telephone by program staff to pick up their children due to early closing. In the event conditions require our program to shelter children, we will have additional resources (flashlights, water, radio, food, clothing, etc.) available.
In the event that the facility must evacuate, the children will be driven to the nearest designated evacuation area and notes will be posted to alert parents of the location of the children. Parents will also be notified to pick up their children by phone.
All staff members are trained in Pediatric CPR and First Aid. In the event of a serious or life threatening emergency, we will call 911 first and parents second.